Tuesday, June 16, 2015

BCS Models - Part 3: Crawl Results

This post is part of an eight part series describing the process I have followed to be able create a BCS model capable of indexing well over 10 million items.

Series Index:
BCS Models - Part 1: Target Database
BCS Models - Part 2: Initial BCS External Content Types
BCS Models - Part 3: Crawl Results  <--  You are here
BCS Models - Part 4: Bigger Database
BCS Models - Part 5: The Bigger Database
BCS Models - Part 6: How to eat this elephant?
BCS Models - Part 7: Changes to the BCS Model to support segmented crawl
BCS Models - Part 8: Crawl Results

So by this point in the process I've got a SQL Database constructed from an export from SharePoint.StackExchange.com describe in Part 1 and a BCS Model for a SQL Server connection that was initially created in SharePoint Designer 2013 and then edited to support incremental crawling.

How well does it work?

I'm running my SP2013 trial farm in a Fusion VM (12GB Memory) on an external USB drive and the crawls look like this:

If this were real Line of Business data that was changing and we needed to keep the index fresh, and therefore useful we'd definitely be glad that the time was spent to create the ChangedIdEnumerator and DeletedIdEnumerator.  Using this methodology Search didn't have to basically recrawl the entire corpus and compare the update time to what it had captured.  This was handled with a few simple select statements.

When I perform a search for something random like 'stuff' I get results

and when I click on the top result I see the Profile page that was created by SharePoint Designer:

We see that SPD followed the Navigation links I'd created and all is well.

So what generally happens when we have success?  We get challenged to do it again with more data! The next episode takes goes through an iteration with the ServerFault.stackexchange.com extract.

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